7 out of 10 people are not happy with their job! Why do 54% want to leave their job? From reason to solution, every detail is here

7 out of 10 employed people in the country are not happy with their jobs. More than half of them are thinking about quitting their jobs. According to the Happiest Places to Work report ‘Happiness at Work’, 70% of Indian workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.

The report also revealed that the level of satisfaction with work varies widely among people of the same age group. There is a huge difference in happiness between male and female workers with their jobs in different parts of the country and in different industry sectors.

The report shows that the highest number of employees in the FinTech sector are happy with their jobs. Their number is 40%. This also means that the remaining 60% of the employees are not happy or satisfied with their jobs.

After FinTech, the situation of Biotechnology (39%) and IT (38%) sectors is good. In the banking, insurance, financial services and FMCG sectors, 30% people are happy with their jobs, while 70% are unhappy.

The worst situation is in the real estate and construction sector, where only 20% people are happy with their jobs, while 80% people are not happy with their jobs.

Also see the condition of other sectors below.

According to the people surveyed, their level of personal satisfaction with work is low. At the same time, lack of adequate support system can promote this trend. RPG Group Chairman Harsh Goenka has written the foreword to this survey report. He believes that employees being satisfied with their jobs is also good for the company.

Why do people want to leave their jobs?

Millennials are the most dissatisfied

The intention to leave the job is the highest among millennials i.e. 28-44 age group at 59%. 80% of millennials often avoid working with job mates due to conflict. 63% of millennials are not given enough appreciation and respect for their contribution at work. 59% of millennials are not able to make time for their interests.

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