India’s trade deficit widens to $29.65 billion, exports fall by a massive 9.3% year-on-year

India’s trade deficit has increased in August due to increased imports and decreased exports. Overall, the trade deficit has increased to $29.65 billion. Whereas in July it was $23.5 billion. The Commerce Ministry has given this information in a press briefing.

Big drop in exports

  • Exports declined by 9.3% (YoY) in August to $34.7 billion.

  • While imports grew by 3.3% (YoY) to reach $64.4 billion.

Reasons for reduced exports

In fact, demand is declining in important economic sectors globally. The reason for this is the fear of recession and a decrease in growth rate.

However, there is relief on some fronts. Sunil Barthwal said, ‘Non-gems and jewellery as well as non-petroleum exports are increasing, which is providing some relief.’

Barthwal also said that many other countries are eager to do trade with India and requests for FTAs ​​are coming continuously.

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